Susan Clare Fine Art

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Painting for WRFS - Intro Recap and the First Colour!

WRFS Painting - time to add colour!

I've been wanting to benefit the White River Fish Sanctuary for a while now...

This small team of devotees seems to do an enormous amount of work to help the environment, the relationship with the fishing community, safeguarding turtle nesting sites, coral gardening, helping to improve the fish count and of course that also benefits the health of the reef. (Follow them on IG@whiteriverfishsanctuary).

The Jamaica Inn Foundation (IG@jifoundation), the charitable arm of the Jamaica Inn, (the gorgeous hotel in Ocho Rios) also supports the WRFS, with fundraising efforts.  So, my suggestion to create a painting to help the sanctuary has been welcomed by these groups, with the help of Belinda Morrow, Kyle Mais and Gerry Ridley.

Belinda has actually allowed me to use some of her beautiful underwater photographs, taken exactly in this area.  I'm creating a textured and layered piece of art, inspired by her photos, with pieces of found and up-cycled plastic and other 'refuse' with interesting textural qualities, that might otherwise end up in the sea, and a menace to marine life.

If you look closely you will be able to identify some of the plastic packaging from fruit and veg (plastic mesh) which also reminds us that much of the ocean's problems stem from ghost nets and overfishing on an industrial scale. Is your seafood being sourced responsibly? Can you get some lovely Lionfish to eat? (see related stories on my blog on

I've also included some fibres and threads from the burlap bags that Jamaican coffee is sold in and some wicker strands.  These are biodegradable, so much less of a problem if they were thrown away, but I love the way they look, the natural textures they create. Once embedded in the surface of my painting they will not be exposed to degradation. These things are going to represent the coral areas of the painting.

In the centre there is a column of clear blue water with sunlight streaming through it - and this is where I've chosen to add the first touch of colour into my painting.

Follow the story of this painting as it progresses throughout November.  It will be made available for sale in December - stay tuned to find out more.

I you'd like to donate to WRFS they have an official Global Giving site here:

Thanks for your interest, as always,